Monday, April 1, 2013

Cape Town 4/1

Cape Town Day 3

This will be our last full day in Cape Town as tomorrow we fly out to begin our safari! We plan to hit up some of the tourist destinations within walking distance and then drive to the wharf to see Robben island where Nelson Mandela and others were imprisoned during the apartheid era.

First up was the Company's Gardens. This was originally planted by the Dutch East India Company which seemed to have a lot of power over many parts of the world. It was nice walking through this lush garden in the middle of a city.

Dewdrops on rose petals

Goslings! Would have been cuter if they were even younger.

A scary true albino squirrel! Have never seen this one before. We knew it was a true albino since it actually has pink eyes.

Next up was the Castle of Good Hope. This pentagon shaped building was built by the Dutch but eventually taken over by the British. We got to see a cool canon firing demonstration twice! It was a nice place to walk around although it did start to sprinkle afterwards.

Eric the soldier.

Inside looking out. kind of weird to be in an old building surrounded by new buildings and skyscrapers. Can't even really see the coast where this fort used to be very close to.

Afterwards, we walked back to our hotel and got our car and drove to Victoria Wharf. We found out that all ferry trips out to Robben Island were booked out, oops. Will have to learn about about this time period through the internet I guess. Not much else to do, just walked around. Did eat at another farmer's market type square. Nothing too unique, a lot of stuff we expect to find back home. Did hit upon a new dessert, the aptly named chimney cake.

I know, i know. i can feel the shame coursing through me. Adding to the bad stereotypes about Chinese tourist but the giant man made out of stacked coca-cola bins was doing it too!

You take a ball of dough and roll it flat into a circle. Than pizza cutter to make it into a strip and wrap it around hot wood rod. Then put it into the oven.

The classic is just slight glazed sugar.

this is one of the chocolate and coconut covered one. Very tasty. The outside very thin layer is crunchy and has a slight lemon zest taste while the inside is all warm and soft and doughy. delicious! These would be a hit in the states. Apparently a Hungarian treat. yum yum yum

Went home early due to the poor weather and not wanting to drive in the dark. Will plan a relaxing night and do some blogging.

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