Monday, April 1, 2013

Cape Town 3/30

Day 1 in Cape Town

Very jetlagged... hopefully have enough energy to drive today. Woke up early to catch another 2 hr flight out to Cape Town. We then proceeded to get our rental car. We will be driving a Nissan Tiida, a small little car with a soon to be discovered poor turning radius. First destination was Simon's Town.

I started off as the drive with Eric navigating. Our goal was to avoid driving down the wrong lane of any road and we managed to get to Simon's Town with no difficulty. Very very windy, to the point where I can feel resistance against the car. The drive down was pretty though, parts of it along the coast. Simon's town turned out to be very small and not as touristy as we though it would be.

First destination was Boulder Beach to see the fabled African penguins. It was a slightly disappointing trip, we were hoping to see a whole colony. Instead, we saw one or two isolated penguins at a time either on the beach or even tucked into little holes in the forest. In my attempt to get up close and personal with a penguin, I must have put my knee down into some poop. OOPS, too close. I kept wondering why my knee felt wet and lo and behold, it was covered with thick sticky green poo! Eric had quite the laugh as I tried to wipe it off with some seaweed and then finally paper towels. Yuck

Some of the aforementioned penguins.

The next stop on today's itinerary was to visit Cape Point Natural Reserve. By now, the wind was really gusting. To the point we sometimes had trouble walking forward. Cape Point is one of the higher points in South Africa and you can walk to the top to see an old lighthouse and the views. Along the way, the wind blew so strong that Eric got knocked down and shinned his right leg....

Besides the great ocean views, there was quite a lot of wildlife. We saw a flock of wild ostriches, baboons, and an antelope like animal.

After Cape Point, we drove down to Cape Hope which is the most south-west tip of the Africa continent. Unfortunately it was so windy that we just took a quick picture of a sign and ran back into the car.

Ended up driving back to our hotel and taking it easy the rest of the night.

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